Post-Permanent Makeup Care

Post-Permanent Makeup Care


  • On the first day post-procedure, wipe with a sponge soaked in antibacterial solution.
  • Apply a special healing cream for the first 2-4 days.
  • The formation and flaking of scabs lasts 7-10 days; during this time, do not wet them, peel them off, or scratch them to ensure maximum pigment retention.
  • Do not apply decorative cosmetics in this area for two weeks, and avoid visiting tanning beds, saunas, or swimming pools.
  • Within a month, do not dye the hairs with hair dye and do not use peeling treatments.
  • To preserve color during summer, it is advisable to protect PM eyebrows from direct sunlight by applying sunscreen with SPF protection.
Post-Permanent Makeup Care


  • After the PM procedure, wipe with a sponge soaked in antibacterial solution.
  • A special healing cream may be applied gently (to avoid peeling off the scabs).
  • The period for scab formation and flaking of PM lips lasts 3-6 days, do not peel them off!
  • For the first 3 days, do not wet the lips, drink through a straw, and it is advisable to brush your teeth with a dry toothbrush.
  • Avoid eating spicy, salty food, and kissing during the first few days.
  • Do not apply lip cosmetics for 1 week.
  • Refrain from visiting tanning beds, saunas, swimming pools, and peeling in this area for 2 weeks.
  • If prone to herpes, take prophylactic tablets for the first 3-5 days (herpes cream cannot be used!).
Post-Permanent Makeup Care
Post-Permanent Makeup Care
Post-Permanent Makeup Care

Lash Line Enhancement

  • After the PM procedure, wipe with an antibacterial solution, no further creams or products should be applied.
  • The formation of scabs and healing of the inter-lash space lasts 7-10 days.
  • Do not wet the eyes until the scabs fully shed (about a week's time), do not peel off the scabs or scratch.
  • Do not apply lash extensions or mascara for 2 weeks.
  • Refrain from using tanning beds, saunas, and swimming pools for 2 weeks.
  • Do not sleep face down on a pillow in the first few days post-procedure.

PM Correction for All Areas For optimal results, density of pigmentation, saturation, and more uniform color, a correction should be made within 1-2 months (not later).

Post-Permanent Makeup Care

Strictly Prohibited:

  • Taking hot baths, visiting steam rooms, saunas, swimming pools, and tanning beds, as well as natural water bodies for 14 days post-procedure.
  • Allowing the pigmented area to dry out.
  • Applying decorative cosmetic products within 10 days.
  • Using healing ointments chosen independently. Ignoring this rule can lead to an allergic reaction.
  • Avoid scratching the tattoo area, even if it itches severely.
  • Using peels and scrubs can interfere with the skin's healing process. As a result, the pigment may distribute unevenly, and in some places, voids might appear.

Universal Recommendations for All Types of Piercings:

  • Thoroughly wash your hands before touching the skin.
  • For the first week, wash your face quickly and carefully, without prolonged contact with water. Use disposable paper towels instead of regular cloth.
  • Until fully healed, avoid exposure to sunlight on the damaged area. Use a head covering and/or sunglasses to prevent this. It is also important to apply a special sunscreen with a high SPF (at least 30-50).
  • Avoid contact between the tattoo and hair, clothing, or bedding. Use a travel pillow while sleeping.
Post-Permanent Makeup Care
Post-Permanent Makeup Care
Post-Permanent Makeup Care

What is Considered Normal in the Healing Process

Normal side effects during the healing of permanent makeup include slight redness, swelling, minor bruising, and increased skin sensitivity.

The likelihood of these appearing depends on the quality of care, skin type, and circulation of each individual. However, these symptoms last only a few days.

Keep in mind that recently applied inks will look darker and denser than expected. Do not worry, as after full healing, the pigment will acquire the correct shade, and excess ink will leave the body along with the scab.

Remember! 50% of the success of a well-healed result depends on you! From your care for permanent makeup and compliance with the rules!


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