Laser PMU Removal
in Frankfurt
Many modern women choose tattoo as a practical and beneficial solution.
With the help of tattoo emphasize natural beauty and adjust the shape of the lips, eyebrows and eyes. It is a versatile tool to create a model appearance. The tattoo will not be smeared under the action of moisture and friction. Despite the many advantages, sometimes there is a need to do laser removal of permanent makeup in Frankfurt. The main reasons:
- Allergic reaction to pigments.
- Change of the style.
- Non-aesthetic result.
- Changing fashion trends.
- Dermatological diseases.
- Inflammation of the skin.
Most women like to experiment with appearances. Trying on different images, they change the hairstyle and style of clothing, as well as the shape of the eyebrows and the thickness of the eyeliner. Fashion trends also dictate their own rules and force periodic appearance adjustments.
The common reason for laser removal of permanent makeup in Frankfurt is the result that did not meet expectations. This happens when the work was done by an inexperienced specialist. The person may look like a mask. There are often cases of asymmetric eyebrows and eyes. Common faults and defects - uneven coloration of lips and eyebrows, improperly selected pigment shades that do not harmonize with natural skin color.

Procedure and its stages
Before the procedure, the master evaluates the state of the skin and the characteristics of the tattoo - the color and depth of the pigment location.
On consultation, the specialist will warn about contraindications, talk about the rules of skin care after exposure.
During the laser removal session of permanent makeup in Frankfurt, the client wears special glasses that protect the cornea of the eye from damage. The session lasts about 10-20 minutes. The Master acts on the pigment by directional light flow, which generates a special device. Radiation destroys the dye. The tattoo fades gradually as the pigment particles are washed out by lymph from the skin tissue and excreted through the lymphatic vessels. To remove PMU completely you need 2-6 sessions. The interval between procedures is 1.5-2 months.
Immediately after the session on the treated area there is a slight swelling and redness, which is due to the natural reaction of the skin to the thermal effect.

Features of the procedure
in the salon «VeAn»
Laser removal of permanent makeup in Frankfurt in the salon «VeAn» is a safe and painless procedure.
The masters use the latest equipment manufacturers USA, Germany and Japan, which provides comfort and safety for customers. The laser is aimed at the pigment, thus minimizing the trauma to the skin. There are no complications such as thermal burn or hematoma. Experienced craftsmen choose the optimal settings of the device, taking into account the color of the skin and the dye.
Local anesthesia is an obligatory stage of the procedure in «VeAn» salon. You will not feel pain or severe discomfort. Detailed instructions will help to organize the correct care of the site of exposure. The quality of care depends on the rate of tissue healing. In our salon you can buy professional products with antiseptic, antibacterial and regenerating action. Special preparations will prevent the development of the inflammatory process and ensure rapid recovery of skin tissues.

Our Benefits
In «VeAn» salon the laser removal of permanent make-up in Frankfurt takes place in a cozy, comfortable environment.
Our advantages:
- Individual approach.
- Qualified personnel.
- Compliance with health and hygiene standards.
We hold regular promotions so that people with different incomes can use our services. Come to a free consultation, during which the master will talk about the features of the procedure and answer questions. Consultations are also held by phone. We will take care of your beauty and health!